Friday 29 June 2012

tonights big date with the tour de france !

Who isn't in love with David Attenborough? Thats why, when I was caught in torrential rain riding home a night ago, I thought of this quote:

If I can bicycle, I bicycle. ~ David Attenborough

I often find myself laughing loud when riding in terrible weather. Its totally acceptable to do so when drenched in lycra avoiding potholes & pedaling like I'm possessed.

Beside these crazy times, Ive been productive in the workshop and made these door tags with french maps in readiness for tonight's TOUR DE FRANCE! Im so super excited and I'll be in the city to enjoy the atmosphere.

'On Tour', Bicycle Door-Tag by Ayliss

Friday 22 June 2012

Bike Stack & Doorstops

I fell off my bike yesterday. in peak hour. in a major city. at a red light at a very popular bus stop... My performative air-dynamic dance against a pavement highlights a necessity to gain some street cred, ie. ability to bunny hop gutters. I will endeavor to learn today..

Meanwhile, how nice are these Doorstops?

Rabbit Door Stop By MonkeyandSquirrel on Etsy

Rope Door Stop by salongruen on Etsy

Geo Wood Door Stop by Studioliscious

Saturday 9 June 2012

My Two Loves: Creation and Cycling


Riding my bike in the heart of the City during early morning hours is one of the top loves on my list. With no cars & rarely a pedestrian, 1am is best for getting on the bike and taking over the streets.

I'm preparing for a big ride in a few months. With so much of my time being spent in my workshop, its hard to get the k's in. This week I plan to coordinate both.

This morning I woke with a super idea for necklace designs. I promptly made a prototype & wore it today. It got a few complements - always a good start... Will try to post some early tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Beautiful Worlds

I've been looking at the Beautiful Worlds created around me, and I need to blog a few.

I adore peonies. I saw the biggest in Germany - the size of my head!

peonies by katesaidyes

I just love this sprightly fowl keeping those eggs safe. Made by Polish Textile Artist BozenaWojtaszek.

Not for the faint hearted - chandelier by Queendecor

Call me decadent but this must go above the bath. I want drink cool champagne in hot bubbles and look at this all day long. Good job Queendecor !

Photography by Rachel Whiting
For the last post, I leave the heart-breakingly beautiful. I get so moved by these images... Just imagine having the cup of tea in your slippers under that high ceiling.

The Power of Ideas and the logic of recycling

No matter how productive I am, it NEVER seems enough.

The week is rapidly chuffing along and my compulsion to make stuff is scary. 
I'll temporarily pause my blabbing now and add a few pictures. They're always prettier than text..

Finally, a scarf holder that organizes your Favorites

BRILLIANT! Finally a decent looking and functional Scarf Holder

Set of Four Containers to house your Nik Naks

Lovely dovely collection to hold those little iddy biddy bits of whatever..
I have so many of them!

Lovely Key Holders - This Hopefully Stops you from Loosing Them
I cant tell you how many times Ive lost keys in my home.
I've desperately needed this little number for years.

There is more. But have a browse in the Ayliss store if you like.

Im excited about the wall mounted scarf hanger. There isn't much out there to help my fabric from becoming a hopeless bundled mess. So this unit really was made from necessity.

The timbers are recycled. Ive said this before but it gives me so much pleasure knowing that, before i came along with an idea, it was destined for waste. I tell you, rarely anything gets my goat more than seeing good stuff on the ready for the tip. ESPECIALLY beautiful hardwood from eras gone. Im talking chairs and tables made with oak and walnut. They just don't grow that stuff for chopping anymore.

Having said that, there is so much work involved in recycling. Its not just getting the timber in a reasonable state. The labor is in having the concept to begin - imagining an old dried up piece of board marred with nails and clogged with paint turning into something grand. And ideas are always about making something grand. If it weren't, you wouldn't do it. If you didn't have the tendency to believe you could turn water into wine, you seriously wouldn't get out of your car in front of a busy intersection and be watched by dozens as you bury yourself in a waste pile of muck to resurface with what you think is pure gold and others see as a broken off chair leg. Would you? Now that makes you look at my images a little differently hu?